
Naches Heights AVA

Location: South-central WashingtonDesignated: 2011Total Size: 13,254 acresAcreage Under Vine: 50 acres (20 hectares)Top Varieties:  Pinot Gris, Riesling, Gewürztraminer, SyrahSoils: Windblown loess and clay Average Annual Precipitation: 10-13 inches Two Things to Know:  Naches Heights is located on a 1M year-old lava flow above the Missoula Floods.   Its elevation and proximity to…


Washington wine’s earliest days date back to 1825, when the first grape vines were planted. Pioneer William B. Bridgman planted grapevines in Yakima Valley in the early 1900s. In subsequent years, Dr. Walter Clore, recognized as the father of the Washington wine industry, researched what varieties would grow well in…