The tradition of breaking tradition.
Behind every single bottle of WA wine is not one person, but a community. We have a saying here: a rising tide floats all boats. That’s because from grapes to glass to you, Washington wine is a deeply human pursuit. There is no shortage of personality, character, and expression in our wine. We’re thrilled to introduce you to the stories, voices, and heartbeat of Washington: the people who have made, and continue to make, what WA Wine is today. This is us, this is now.
Get to Know our Sustainable WA Grape Growers

Breaking Ground • Farmer Ambassador Program
We’re thrilled to introduce our first-ever farmer ambassador program, Breaking Ground, which follows a cohort of 14 farmers across 10 months in 2022. Get to know our ambassadors below.

“Soy la voz de los que no la tienen. Creemelo, estoy gritando.” — Maria Remington

“This is the dream. My heart is so happy on this lawnmower right now.” — Miriah Falce

“Soy una persona del amanecer. Me encantan los amaneceres.” — Tony Flores

“I told my dad before he passed, I’m making this full circle.” — Rosanna Lugo

“I should be retired, but I just don’t want to quit.” — Jay Itote

“It’s fun to see terroir with our own eyes.” — Lacey Lybeck

“Mi corazón estaba ahí afuera en las vides.” — Dennis King Bonilla

“We’ll end up doing about 250 picks each harvest.” — Sadie Drury

“Lo que me hace sentirme vivo es amor a mi familia en Mexico.” — Jaime González

“Para mi ninguna parte es difícil.” — Baldomera Valenzuela

“I’ve been local my whole life.” — Nic Stevens

“It’s not just for grapes. It’s for agriculture as a whole.” — Bernadette Gagnier

“There is nothing outside of this. This is me.” — Brittany Komm

“I found home here.” — David Rodriguez
We’re in a growth spurt, and we have the room to grow.
There are clues everywhere that hint at what makes Washington wine so Washington. Fractured basalt, the diurnal shift, the rain shadow effect, and so much more. It’s why we say we’re unparalleled, and why some say we’re the best of both worlds. If you’ve never set foot on the eastern side of our state, or traveled to the four corners of our grape growing regions, you’re in for endless discovery. So go uncork that bottle of Washington wine in your fridge, pour yourself a glass, and sip back as we share stories from across time, place, and space. Nobody tastes like us, because nobody looks like us.
Our Stories
Whether this is your first or twentieth time exploring Washington Wine country, we hope to make a positive lasting impression, and can’t wait for you to visit us (again) someday soon.

First Ladies of Washington Wine

Sommlight Ep. 41: Jackson Rohrbaugh

Sommlight Ep. 40: Brooks Fraser

Sommlight Ep. 39: Scott Ota

Sommlight Ep. 38: Eugenio Jardim

Sommlight Ep. 37: Tonya Pitts

Sommlight Ep. 36: Chris Tanghe

Sommlight Ep. 35: Chris Horn

The WA Wine + Food Show: Ep 5, feat. Abeja Winery & Inn
Sommlight • Featured Episodes
When sommeliers are working on the floor, we know it’s clockwork. But when they’re off the floor, what makes them tick? Welcome to Sommlight, a new kind of conversation.

Sommlight Ep. 41: Jackson Rohrbaugh

Sommlight Ep. 40: Brooks Fraser

Sommlight Ep. 39: Scott Ota

Sommlight Ep. 38: Eugenio Jardim

Sommlight Ep. 37: Tonya Pitts

Sommlight Ep. 36: Chris Tanghe

Sommlight Ep. 35: Chris Horn

Sommlight Ep. 34: Kaitlyn Duke

Sommlight Ep. 33: Greg Rubin
The Sommlight Podcast
Hosted by Washington Wine’s Marketing Director David Flaherty, Sommlight is a conversation series that unveils the other side of sommeliers and wine professionals, showcasing their humor, humanity, and depth. Everyone knows that when a somm is on the floor, it’s clockwork. What we don’t know is, when they’re off the floor, what makes them tick? Join us as we pull apart the archetype and see what makes somms — some of the most humble and brilliant humans to grace this earth — feel most alive. Tune in to the podcast below, but make sure to learn more about the program here. If you like what you hear, tap Watch above to see the 15-minute video versions.

Sommlight Podcast: Eugenio Jardim
Featured Podcasts
Take a listen to some of our featured voices to see what they have to say about wine, food, and hospitality.

Sommlight Podcast: Jackson Rohrbaugh

Sommlight Podcast: Brooks Fraser

Sommlight Podcast: Scott Ota

Sommlight Podcast: Eugenio Jardim

Sommlight Podcast: Tonya Pitts

Sommlight Podcast: Chris Tanghe

Sommlight Podcast: Chris Horn

Sommlight Podcast: Kaitlyn Duke

Sommlight Podcast: Greg Rubin
Meet the Next & New Gen
Currents students from Walla Walla Community College’s V&E program interviewed 13 winemaker & winegrower alums to get a glimpse into their stories. Take a look below at the current future of #WAwine.

“There is No Right or Wrong Way to Make Wine.” — Tyler Morrison

“(Wine) is a path, a lifestyle that you will meet some of the best people in the world on.” — Tabitha Crenshaw

“Listen to what your gut tells you and do that.” — Steve Wells

“I love going to work every day.” — Salvador Jimenez

“You need to be thoughtful about what you are doing, stay true to who you are, and be open about it.” — Matt Reilly

“Every day is different.” — Matt Huse

“We get to create something that is always evolving, and you only get to one chance a year to make it.” — Marcus Rafanelli

“The satisfaction of making good wine with good people in a beautiful setting is very real.” — Eva Hixson

“You have to be humble about it; nobody knows everything about winemaking.” — Elizabeth Bourcier

“I always feel that I can learn something useful from anyone and everyone.” — Doug Simmons

“The people you meet in this industry are fascinating.” — Devyani Gupta

“Follow your heart-go do what makes you happy.” — Dana Lammers

“There’s room for everybody” — Beth Law
2022 Next Gen Interviews
20 winemaker alums were interviewed in 2022. Read their stories below.

“Don’t be afraid to get as much experience as you can.” — Toby Turlay

“Keep learning, take risks, and leave the land better than you found it.” — Sager Small.

“What excites me the most is the future.” — Robert Gomez

“I like that we are setting ourselves apart.” — Rob Wohr

“No two days are the same.” — Meghan Fitzgerald

“I admire all the female winemakers in Walla Walla who came before me.” — Laura Detwiler

“I don’t ever feel like I’m working.” — Kevin Masterman

“It’s a never-ending learning opportunity.” — Ken Jones

“Winemaking isn’t so much a job, but a way of life.” — Keith Johnson

“Sparkling wine is hot and is something I’ve always wanted to do.” — Josh McDaniels

“Be generous with your abilities and resources.” — Joseph Czarny

“I came in through food. I used to be a sous chef in Indiana.” — Jason Fox

“Walla Walla has been an incredible place to raise my three daughters.” — Jake Kotzman

“We don’t have many rules here and the sky is the limit.” — George-Anne Robertson

“There is always a risk, and to take that leap was a hard thing to do, but worth every second.” — Forest Rogers-Phillips

“It doesn’t get boring.” — CJ Augustine

“Know who your leaders are, and also know when it’s appropriate to lead others.” — Christopher Castillo

“I got into wine through cider.” — Chad Honsinger