“If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not doing your job. And you have to make some mistakes every now and again – that’s how you learn.”
How does one rise the ranks to become one of the biggest wine buyers on the planet? In this episode, Annette talks about the importance of making mistakes, digging deep to find your inner confidence, and the myriad lessons she learned over 37 years at Costco. In addition to her infectious fierceness, and her devout mentoring of the next generation, she led a team of in the US with a global sales volume of nearly $4.8 billion.
Watch the video version here.

Annette Alvarez-Peters, Founder, annette a.p., Reno
Annette Alvarez-Peters is the founder of annette a.p., a consulting business focused on the wine and spirits industry, which she started in July 2020. She retired from Costco Wholesale, after nearly 37 years on the job, having spent the last 25 years of her tenure in the Beverage Alcohol department, culminating in the role of Assistant Vice President/General Merchandise Manager. She led a team in the United States with a global sales volume of approximately $4.8 billion. She is recognized globally as a top leader in the industry and also serves in advisory and mentorship roles for Wine Unify and Women of the Vine and Spirits.